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Buyer Beware with Amazon Caveat Emptor

Hanayama cast puzzles . With me you can speak and discuss the items you want to buy. I am passionate about these puzzles and the likes of Amazon are not. Amazon sell lots of things and as a buyer you cannot discuss what you are purchasing.

If you know what you want and do not care about support or after sales you can go to the likes of Amazon. I tried to sell on Amazon and it was a nightmare it was impossible to describe items the way I wanted as Amazon had previous incorrect listings that over rode my description. I also bought on Amazon . However the buyer cannot 'examine' or 'inquire' about the purchase with Amazon . In their wisdom of errors Amazon will often send the buyer something misrepresented or not described correctly.

Finally I will beat any Amazon price if I can!

Test Hanayama Puzzles in North West London

Jeff Bezos creator of Amazon does not offer the same service as us.- You can come and try and handle the products. You can speak and have a coffee with us.

I aim to equal or beat any Amazon quoted price in the UK

We are near Hatch End 20 minutes from Euston

hanayama puzzle list

Dial Hanayama Diamond Hanayama Dot Duet Hanayama

Infinity Hanayama Keyhole Hanayama Loop Hanayama

Mobius Hanayama G&G News Hanayama Shark Hanayama

Starfish Hanayama U&U Hanayama Amour Hanayama Baroq Hanayama Bike Hanayama Box Hanayama Cage Hanayama Cake Hanayama

Chain Hanayama Coaster Hanayama Coil Hanayama

Cuby Hanayama Cylinder Hanayama Delta Hanayama

Devil Hanayama Dolce Hanayama Donuts Hanayama

Dot Hanayama Elk Hanayama Enigma Hanayama Equa Hanayama

Galaxy Hanayama H&H Hanayama Harmony Hanayama

Hashtag Hanayama Heart Hanayama Helix Hanayama Hexagon Hanayama

Hook Hanayama Horse Hanayama

Key Hanayama Key II Hanayama Laby Hanayama L'Oeuf Hanayama

Marble Hanayama Nutcase Hanayama O'Gear Hanayama Padlock Hanayama

Plate Hanayama Quartet Hanayama Radix Hanayama Rattle Hanayama

Ring Hanayama Ring II Hanayama S&S Hanayama Seabream Hanayama

Spiral Hanayama Square Hanayama Star Hanayama Twist Hanayama

Violon Hanayama Vortex Hanayama Medal Cricket Abc

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